Obesity: How does it decrease
Often, women drink plenty of water after a meal. It is not right to drink water at the end of the meal, rather water should be drunk after one and a half hours. This does not increase obesity on the stomach and waist but also reduces obesity.
Diet should be taken slightly less than hunger. This also improves digestion and does not make the stomach bigger. Care should be taken not to have gas in the stomach. Due to the stress of the gas, the stomach becomes enlarged. Both the time must go for defecation.
The quantity of vegetables, raw salad, and raw green vegetables should be kept in the food and the quantity of chapatti, rice and potatoes should be reduced.
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- The rule of fasting or eating once a week should be followed. Only fruits and milk should be consumed on a fasting day.
- To reduce the size of the abdomen and waist, after waking up in the morning or before going to bed at night, the abdominal portion above the navel should be baked with 'steam of steam'.
- For this, put a handful of parsley and a teaspoon of salt in tap water and keep it boiling. When steam starts to rise, then keep a mesh or sieve to filter it. Wet two small napkins or clothes in cold water, squeeze them, and keep them folded one by one on the net and bake on the stomach. Baking 10 minutes daily is enough. In a few days, the stomach size will start to decrease.
- After getting up in the morning after retiring from defecation, practice the following asanas or go for a walk for 2-3 kilometers in the morning. Which of the two should be the remedy to facilitate.
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- Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Uttanapadaasana, Sarvagasana, Halasana, Surya Namaskar. In this, if you do Surya Namaskar five times in the first five asanas, it will take a total of 15 minutes.
- Stop taking wheat flour chapatti in the food and start taking chapati of barley-gram flour. Its ratio is 10 kg gram and 2 kg barley. Grind them together and eat this flour chapati. This will reduce not only the stomach and waist but also the obesity of the whole body.
- In the morning, drinking 2 spoons of honey in a glass of cold water reduces obesity in a few days.
- Do not stop consuming milk and pure ghee to get lean. Otherwise, complaints of weakness, dryness, rheumatism, joint pain, gas trouble, etc. will start to arise in the body.