10 major symptoms and causes of diabetes
India is the Diabetes Capital of the world, where every fifth person suffers from diabetes or sugar disease. This dangerous disease can be gauged by the fact that due to this one disease, the patient:
- heart attack,
- Blindness,
- stroke
- Or until kidney failure.
But despite these dangers, awareness about this disease in India is very less. Millions of people become aware of diabetes when they have suffered enough due to this. That is why today on AchhiKhabar.Com I am sharing a detailed post on the symptoms of diabetes with you.
Before knowing Diabetes Symptoms, we will briefly know what is diabetes and what are the two major types of it.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar level in the blood of the patient exceeds the requirement. This can happen for two reasons:
- Your body is not producing enough insulin. or
- Your cells are not reacting to the insulin being produced.
- Two major types of diabetes:
- Type 1 diabetes: In this, the body stops making insulin and the patient has to give insulin by injection.
- Type 2 diabetes: The body makes insulin in it but our cells do not react to it. Most people have type 2 diabetes.
Symptoms of diabetes/symptoms of sugar
1. Hunger and fatigue:
Your body converts the food you eat into glucose, which your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to bring the glucose in.
If your body does not make a sufficient amount of insulin or even if it makes it, then your cells resist it, then glucose cannot enter the cells and there is no energy in you. Because of which you feel more hungry than normal people and you feel tired.
2. Excessive urination and thirst:
On average, a person urinates 6-7 times a day, but if you have to urinate more often than this, you may have diabetes.
Diabetes Symptoms
What happens is that due to diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood is much higher than the normal. When this happens, the body tries to remove excess sugar from the body through urine. Since once you urinate, the sugar level in the blood does not decrease, so the body employs the kidneys to remove the extra sugar. The kidney makes urine repeatedly by filtering blood and the diseased person has to urinate frequently.
To remove excess sugar from the body through urine, our body first dilutes the blood for which it uses fluids (fluids) / water present in the body. For this reason, the body becomes dehydrated and thirsty again and again.
3. Dry mouth and itching:
Since the diabetic person has frequent urination and this urine is made up of fluids (liquid) present in the body, there is a lack of moisture for other things. When this happens, you can feel dehydrated. Due to lack of water in the body, the mouth becomes dry and lack of moisture in the skin can cause itching by drying the skin.
4. Blurred vision:
As we know, our body dilutes blood to remove excess sugar from the body, for which it uses the fluids present in the body. Sometimes due to the movement of fluids some fluid goes into the lenses of the eyes, causing the lens to swell. Due to bloating, the shape of the lens changes and it is unable to focus properly. So things look blurred.
Sometimes it is the opposite, that is, the fluids in the lens get pulled and even then the shape of the lens deteriorates and things appear blurred.
5. Sudden weight loss:
If you are losing weight unintentionally then it can also be a symptom of diabetes. This happens mostly in type 1 diabetes, but sometimes in type 2, these symptoms are also seen.
Actually, due to the lack of insulin, the glucose present in the blood cannot reach the cells of the body and the cells cannot use glucose as energy… but the body needs energy, so that body fat to get energy And muscles start to burn. Obviously, bodyweight starts decreasing rapidly when this happens.
6. Nausea and vomiting:
When the body burns fat to fulfill its energy needs, it also produces "ketones". Ketones can rise to dangerous levels in your blood, due to which you may feel stomach upset and you may complain of nausea and vomiting.
7. Yeast or fungal infection:
Glucose is high in a diabetic person and yeast needs glucose to thrive.
Symptoms of sugar diabetes
So if you are having a yeast infection, again and again, it can also be a symptom of diabetes. These infections usually occur at these places:
- Between fingers
- Under the breast
- Around sex organs and thighs
8. Late healing of wounds:
If one of your wounds is taking longer than usual to heal, you may have diabetes. Actually, due to diabetes, the increased amount of glucose in the blood can gradually affect your veins, due to which the circulation of blood in the body is not done properly. In such a situation, the right amount of blood does not reach the place of injury and the supply of oxygen and nutrients that comes with it is also interrupted. Because of this, wounds take longer than necessary to heal.
9. Tingling in hands/feet/extremities numb
Initial Symptoms of Diabetes If you have diabetes and you do not control it for a long time, it can damage your nerves, which is called diabetic neuropathy. Hands and feet send signals only with the help of these nerves. But due to the damage to the nerves, the signals are not able to pass properly and you feel a tingling in the hands and feet.
10. Gum lesions and swelling
Diabetes can weaken your ability to fight germs, due to which there is an increased risk of infection in the bones that hold your gums and teeth. In this case, your gums may be removed from the teeth, your teeth may become loose, or your gums may get sores, pus, or swelling.
In the fasting test, you have to give your blood sample in the morning without eating or drinking anything, whereas in the random test you have to give your blood sample after two hours of eating.
Diabetes is also called the silent killer because very often its symptoms are not clear and even if there is some problem, then the man ignores it, and when the disease causes a lot of damage, it is detected. But do not do this, if you are feeling any of these 10 symptoms then check your sugar as soon as possible.
Friends, diabetes disease is a lifestyle disease, if it is not taken care of, then it can be fatal for us, but if we know in time that we are suffering from this disease then it is not so difficult to control it. So the first step is to find out whether we have diabetes or not.
I hope this article has been beneficial to you. If you also want to share any information with us in this regard, please share it through the comment.